wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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@cheeaun I see whats going on here, Pixelfed is making a local copy of every remote Emojo it sees thru federation automatically...

@cheeaun hey @dansup this is automatic right? theres no way you are personally adding 40k emojos

@liaizon @cheeaun I only added 2 emojis myself, but yeah our implementation is clearly broken.

I thought Mastodon cached all custom emoji, but clearly I was wrong.

Will add this to my todo list.

wakest ⁂

@dansup @cheeaun wait but maybe the way you are doing it is actually pretty cool? I like that anyone could use any emojo, though there is definitely some security considerations to take into account.

@dansup @cheeaun what if they went into a sort of communal queue and like how mastodon does trending tags, and instance admins could then accept or deny them