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the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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@liaizon you may enjoy streetcomplete.app/! it gives you small quests to complete osm data at your current location, prompting for things like wheelchair accessibility, outdoor amenities and many more.

streetcomplete.appStreetCompleteOpenStreetMap surveyor app
wakest ⁂

@computersandblues I have been meaning to give it a go for ages, this may be the perfect excuse

@computersandblues oh so I figured out why I hadnt actually used it yet. It is only for Android and I am still stuck in iOS land. I actually have two old Android phones with me but they are both weird models that are carrier locked so I can't use them with a sim until I figure out how to jailbreak them. I realized I had already downloaded a iOS app called GoMap!! that supports the StreetCompete quests so was just checking that out.

@computersandblues But sadly the quests are mostly just designed to add information to already existing places and the issue here is most places dont have any "place" added at all. So the quests don't do much good here. I would love to see some sort of gamification for adding brad new places on the map that might not be on ANY map what so ever