wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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I know a lot of people here make fun of the stories feature of instagram but its really the main way most people (afk) I am in touch with nowadays share their life updates and the only way I am able to keep a lot of people in my life. I am glad to see @pixelfed's work to bring this dynamic to the fediverse (even though its not my personal favorite) it will make it much easier to get many people who do care about how much of their lives are controlled by an evil corp come to this side

@pixelfed really hope to see how much of this can be standardized. if pixelfed has stories and livestreams, owncast has livestreams and peertube has livestreams there should be a way to view all these in a convenient location together. honestly having a mobile app present those all in the round icons at the top of a feed like insta stole from snap and then everyone else tried to use too it would be most usable for new comers who are already used to this dynamic.