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the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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I just had to look up the word "heterogeneous" to double check its meaning while reading this book and realized I have had the opposite meaning in my head for years!

if heterogeneous means diverse
and homogeneous means same
I was wondering what transgeneous would mean, and of course that lead me on a rabbithole to find the only refrence to this word that I could find which seems to be from a translation of a essay written by the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk and now I am stuck reading this paper about a some German controversy about Sloterdijk's ideas relating to humanism...

if you want to follow along page 43 of the linked pdf below: “Transgenous Philosophy”: Post-humanism, Anthropotechnics and the Poetics of Natal Difference by Sjoerd van Tuinen


library.oapen.orgPDF.js viewer
wakest ⁂

[For it is the irony of the on-going Ge-stell that what installs itself is in fact what is most enframed (gestellt) and installed (bestellt).]