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the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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tested commenting across instances on one of the conf.tube videos to figure out what the current state of affairs are

image 1: my single user instance
image 2: mastodon.social after cache has been cleared by @Gargron
image 3: conf.tube instance


@liaizon on your single user instance are you following the account and if so was it before the video was even posted? Because it looks like your instance just hasn't fetched any apconf content because it didn't know about it. Whereas for social almost certainly already had a subscriber and so knew about the content and so could render it

@liaizon ohhh. Yeah I know exactly that problem. I had to change the federation model of my rss converter when I realized it was doing that with posts.

@liaizon @darius

Some additional context here

But the fact that many people came together this night to work on solutions means more to me than the drama itself ;)

Instance admins can do
Account.find_remote('apconf', 'conf.tube').statuses.where(visibility: :direct).each { |s| RemoveStatusService.new.call(s) }

Thank you, everybody :
cc @rgggn !

mastodon.technologyDerek Caelin (@Argus@mastodon.technology)By Derek Caelin

@sl007 @liaizon I made this exact mistake with my rss converter when I composed the JSON-LD for Create/Note

@darius @liaizon

Just btw: Inventing you to watch my talk conf.tube/videos/watch/4102f53
(replacement for one that dropped out)
It was recorded after the issue appeared but off course before uploading it ;)
Trying to describe the mastodon peertube problem from the perspective of a user new to the fediverse.

@sl007 @liaizon It's queued up and I plan to give it a watch!

@darius @liaizon

btw, Computer says decentpatterns is already again today :)