wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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[The immaterial digital domain is doubly seductive because of its present non presence – we have to understand how to celebrate this incorporeal new golden age without lapsing into idolatry. As Guy Debord has said: "Life can never be too disorientating."]
Jeffrey Shaw, New Media - New Criteria?

wakest ⁂

[There is remarkable naivety in the assumption of many artists that one can pick up a highly coded tool like a computer and make work in which those codes do not impinge upon the meaning cycles of the work!] - Simon Penny

[Trans-national corporate entities exist primarily on the net. Like fungi whose locally manifested individual mushrooms obscure a vast subterranean rhizomatic structure, local physical manifestations of banks, factories and supermarkets are but fleeting seasonal eruptions from the digital into the corporeal world. However, unlike these corporations, the bodies they affect, bringing wealth or poverty, employment or redundancy, remain corporeal and geographically bound.] - Simon Penny, 1995