wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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This is a milestone worth celebrating! :fediverse:
In development as we speak, @forgejo can now federate comments (and tons of other stuff) from issues in repos!!!

The first screenshot is @algernon (a Forgejo account able to be tagged in this post!) commenting on the issue: shoes.forgejo.madhouse-project as seen in @phanpy while logged into my Mastodon account!

wakest ⁂

@julian @algernon its freaking incredible. I feel like we have been talking about when this moment will come for a decade

@liaizon @julian It feels a bit wrong to downplay my own contribution, but... while this is fun, and interesting, and a big milestone, it is just a tiny step towards real forge federation.

It's not much more than turning an RSS feed into an ActivityPub actor that happens to accept replies (but does nearly nothing with them).