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the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Discovered this morning that Maven heymaven.com (a social media startup who's CEO is ex OpenAI "Ken Stanley: leading the Open-Endedness Team at OpenAI") is mass importing public posts from the with no links back to the original and no way to delete them. It seems there is no Opt-out or Opt-in mechanism at all. It also has posts from pulled in via @bsky.brid.gy that are also not linked back to the original.

Here's an example: app.heymaven.com/profile/66927

@liaizon @bsky.brid.gy

The stupidest part of this is... I got curious and was messing around with the "tags" and noticed that instead of using the hashtag's name, it gives everything a number.

For instance, Peertube Instance is app.heymaven.com/tag/154847

So I was like... hrrm, I wonder what the very first tags are.

We have the following:

1 - AI
2 - ChatGPT
3 - Startups
4 - fundraising
5 - tech

app.heymaven.comMavenMaven: Follow interests, not influencers