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the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Starting my journey to at 4am tonight:

Fez > Barcelona > Hamburg > Berlin > Camp > ☠️

I am directly causing all the climate change personally by taking the absolutely cheapest flights possible. I am sorry your children will have to adapt to unbearable weather and probably have to live on house boats.

wakest ⁂

@compl4xx (apocalypse accelerationist so we all are forced onto cool house boats: sadly people who are not able to adapt will probably die which makes the whole house boat thing much less cool)

@liaizon maybe the collective coolness energy of the house boats will counter global warming though, it's worth a try. Which would make them even cooler. A coolness tipping point might be reached, where we spiral into infinite coolness the more house boats help against climate change

@compl4xx I am waiting for the communes on squatted shipping barges. The being trapped on tiny boat thing isnt too appealing to me personnel but 100 people on big boat working together sounds quite appealing

@miel you want big boat time too?

@liaizon i'll get back to you... haha i haven't been in a big boat. will i get motion sickness? haha or that will doom me to die because i won't adapt :ablobsurpriseblush: :blahaj:

@miel the first time I slept in a house boat I had bad motion sickness, but then I stayed in one for a week and managed to mostly get over it. I think its just learning to tie your sense of balance to something else (I hope)

what do I know tho, hope there is better ways to provide stability for the people in the future apocalypse

@liaizon huum, one week of hell? :blob_dizzy_face: maybe it gives me hope it can be an option for me when the time comes...