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the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Anyone on the fedi reporting on the civil war?

@liaizon Also what about #pdpb bill. It's digital rights more up the fediverse ally.

(This is not to distract from the awful things happening in Manipur. )

@notevil whats going on with the PDPB? I specifically would like to understand a leftist take on the Manipur situation, was just reading that Al Qaeda just announced support for the for the mostly Christian Kukis which seems like a bizarre turn, but understandable since the US is aligned with the Modi government

@liaizon@social.wake.st @notevil@social.linux.pizza no i havent, thanks!

super rough quick scan based on zero knowledge:

"Scope of the bill restricted to exclude publicly available personal data: The DPDPB, 2023 excludes from its application any personal data made publicly available by a data principal or another person to comply with a law. This provision will restrict data principals from protecting their personal data from online scraping."

excluding public information makes it sound like it excludes therefore most fedi stuff? which is interesting in itself, mainly for Indians, but less so for fedi things? not sure yet