wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Hello new people joining the and sides of the ! How did you find yourself here? What was the specific point that lead you to make the jump?

[posting to the @technology community on beehaw.org]

beehaw.orgBeehaw - Aspiring to be(e) a safe, friendly and diverse place.

Question, what client are you using to post? Your post tiyle on lemmy reads like this.

"Hello new people joining the <a href="https://social.wake.st/tags/Mastodon" class="mention hashta"

I have seen this before but have no idea why its formatted that way

wakest ⁂

@shortwavesurfer ahhh I also see Monero.town is running an older version of Lemmy then Beehaw (where I posted this) so maybe if the instance was updated this issue would go away?