@liaizon I find them aesthetically pleasing, and they look responsible. Unlike those lightweight ones that lack any personality :-)
That type of dumpster was pretty common in Italy some years ago.
@GustavinoBevilacqua this design looks like it makes opening them much easier. they are really inconvenient to open in the US
Alas they are all replaced with more "stylish" (i.e. non practical) designs.
@utzer the ones in Berlin are quite different (that I have seen). they have a similar design but are usually yellow HDPE and more modern looking
@utzer @lohang @GustavinoBevilacqua
have you seen this kind before:
@Nachbarschaft @utzer @lohang @GustavinoBevilacqua looks surprisingly comfortable
@liaizon @utzer @lohang @GustavinoBevilacqua
Yes - a surprisingly good idea... it is comfortable
@Nachbarschaft @liaizon @utzer @lohang
If I can still find one I'll convert it!
@liaizon it's the old model we had in Greece! Probably shopping by the same vendor
@neocolapsar @liaizon there are also a lot of those in Ukraine
@oleksiy @neocolapsar I guess I am learning that everyone had cooler dumpsters then the US