wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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wakest ⁂

Fuck so the admin of kf posted a video on YouTube urging people to join the fediverse 6 hours ago that already has 3.5k views and is getting shared a ton on Twitter. We might need to get out shit together and get ready for an influx of folks we may not like

@liaizon I'm okay with that. We'll figure it out this time. ;-)

idk wtf kf is, but i don't like it already
oh... never mind. yeah, I've already seen mentions from at least a couple instances of an uptick in reg attempts. at least one deciding to temporarily close registration.

@liaizon it's natural process people coming here, don't be so evil

@borrof what am I being evil about? Are you defending kf?

@liaizon I don't know who is 'kf', personally. I thought you got mad because people from outside come to us

@borrof kf is a group of people who go out of their way to harass and fuck up peoples lives.

@borrof more like nihilistic trolls