Well, no one wants to go there because of the #werewolves.
Same reason nobody wants to visit Santa Carla these days. No one can stomach all the dang #vampires.
The uncertain future of the Bay Area’s 90-year-old Tiki bar
Trying to find more cool folks to follow! so fav this toot if you're into, or relate, to any of these:
I'm a #Gay, #Furry, ~40, #WebDev that tries to be an #Artist and #GameDev when I have time.
I have many always changing interests some of which are listed below!
Some posts may be a little bit Lewd so be cautious when following!
Hey, if you love sapphic werewolves, space opera and space ships.
Fox Spirit: https://www.foxspirit.co.uk/product/starfang-rise-of-the-clan-by-joyce-chng/
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/531020752/Starfang-Rise-of-the-Clan (audiobook option too).
Alt-text: Covers of Starfang: Rise of the Clan, one with the black wolf head and the other a white wolf head.
Cover art: Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein
#bookstodon #writingcommunity#spaceopera #werewolves #sapphic
I guess it's time for an #Introduction again.
I like #gamemastering #Pathfinder1e #TTRPG.
I like #FountainPens and looped #cursive. I have a few "entry-level" fountain pens.
I like #MiniaturePainting.
I like #writing fiction sometimes.
I like corded telephones. I own a red Cortelco Kellogg 2500 Desk Telephone.
I recently switched to #Linux (#LinuxMint) from Windows10.
I like #vampires, #werewolves, #fae (#fey), #SpookyStuff, and #Halloween.
When I was writing Dead Letter Society (i.e. vampires) I was thinking "but what if I want to be a werewolf?!"
... but that was too much scope creep for the time I had.
So now that 'DLS' is out in the world I'm giving werewolves their fair due.
1-2 players, epistolary & journaling, werewolves, and 100% compatible with Dead Letter Society (or entirely standalone!)
#Bookstodon #LGBTQstodon It’s a DEAL! We have just signed an #audiobook contract with #TantorMedia for my Wolves of Wolf’s Point series! No release timeline yet, but stay tuned! #werewolves #sapphicbooks https://tantor.com
It is #WerewolfWednesday again and I am here to share more fun tidbits about Livonian werewolves.
A Swedish Archbishop in 1555 notes that Livonian werewolves gather in packs around Christmastime, and
"invade beer cellars and drink some barrels of beer or mead, then pile the empty mugs in the middle of the cellar, one on top of another, in which practice they differ from natural and genuine wolves."
Good to know.
This was not the only Livonian werewolf trial in the 17th century - and the whole "shapeshifters fighting witches and helping people" trope doesn't only exist in Livonia.
If you want to read a whole book about this fascinating case, and other cases like it, you can find it here:
The book examines the case both from a folklore and a #resistance perspective (since Old Thiess was Livonian, and the judges were all German).
Turns out Old Thiess had already been put on trial a few years earlier, when a sorcerer broke his nose during the battle in hell. He had been released without a sentence.
The judges didn't know what to do with him, so they referred his case to another court a year later. Since Old Thiess stuck to his story, he was sentenced to (a relatively mild) ten lashes.
Transcript states the locals greatly admired him.
The judges brought in a pastor to convince Old Thiess of the error of his ways, but he simply stated the pastor is "too young to know anything."
Among other things, he stated that women also belonged to the werewolf pack, and different towns / peoples (e.g. the Russians) had their own packs, all raiding hell at different times.
The entire transcript of Old Thiess' testimony has survived, and it is a fascinating read. He claims that the abundance of next year's crops depends on the werewolves' success on their yearly raids into hell.
He also admitted to stealing some livestock and eating it (but always roasted). The judges tried to catch him out by asking how wolves could possibly roast meat, but he came up with clever answers.
The judges accused Old Thiess of being in leauge with the devil, which angered him. He insisted that it was just the opposite: werewolves were the arch-enemies of the devil, and the witches and sorcerers that got their powers from hell.
Every year, werewolves would band together on certain days (like St. Lucia's and Midsummer) and raid hell, to bring back things the sorcerers had stolen: crops, produce, souls.
It's #WerewolfWednesday, and I have a story I really wanna share:
In 1691 an 80-something Livonian man named Old Thiess was called to court as a witness in a theft case. As he was sworn in, another witness laughed: "How can he swear a holy oath when everyone knows he is a werewolf?"
The judges immediately forgot about the thief and put Old Thiess on trial. He calmly admitted that yes, indeed he was a werewolf.
"The Knight of Twelve, the ringing bells,
The destined sword and spear;
The stone and cauldron, dragon’s fire,
And death to one held dear.
If both remaining Three of Three,
Choose the path of fear;
On the horizon, Shadow will fall,
With no one left to hear.”
#UnderTheWolfMoon #TheOutcrossedSeries #DarkFantasy #Werewolves #Werewolf #Vampires #Vampire #Faeries #Fae #Magic #PortalFantasy #ArthurianLegend #Mythology
"What you'll seek lies beneath; in the belly of the beast. Who you'll find, in riddles speaks. Best be wary of its teeth."
#IntoTheForgottenForest #TheOutcrossedSeries #DarkFantasy #Werewolves #Werewolf #Vampires #Vampire #Faeries #Fae #Magic #PortalFantasy #ArthurianLegend #Mythology
Updated #Introduction:
- I'm a pharmaceutical #engineer in my 50's who helps organize #furry #conventions in his spare time.
- I am a widower who identifies as gray-#asexual / #homoromantic.
- I have two dogs, Nora and Charlie, and post pics of them frequently.
- I love #mmromance books (especially with #werewolves) as well as #urbanfantasy,
- I enjoy travel, especially #roadtrips and #cruises.
- I post #bookreviews and #travelogues on my blog: https://wolfhusky.net/blog/
Hello people! I'm #newhere :3 as part of the great migration.
I'm an #artist who draws rad lesbians (who are sometimes #werewolves), #tokusatsu bug monsters and #horror themed works. I mostly work on indie #ttrpgs.
I can't talk about the main thing I'm working out without CWs, so I'll save that for later! But alongside that I'm developing a sapphic-focused mecha #pbta ttrpg called Violet Core!
Hoping to figure out this new spot, get cozy and meet some cool folks ~
As I am #newHere, here is my #introduction in English.
I am a hobby #writer and #firefighter from #Germany with an educational background in #science. Due to the pandemic, I do currently not really write, but I hope my energy will come back soon.
My favourite genre is #urbanFantasy and, next to short stories in other genres, my #workInProgress is a #novel about the #werewolves living in the area around #Heidelberg (Germany).
I am looking forward to connect to others :-)