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a raura ura
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Info: https://punkirratia.net/talde/breakout.html
Irrati pirata BREAKOUT:
(egun baterako / for 1 day)
#breakout #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio @punkirratia
Meanwhile, I did find a cracked .2mg of Arkanoid II, a game that has stuck in my brain for 35 years now.
Holy crap, it's every bit as good as I remember. I could play this all day.
#Eminem owes his #breakout #hit to a #Black #queer #artist
When creating what would become the #megahit “#MyNameIs…,” the #rapper #sampled a #song from the #Black #queer #poet and #musician #LabiSiffre. A prolific #UK #songwriter penned a number of hits in the 1970s and 1990s, it was Siffre’s beat to 2003’s “#IGotThe…” that gave #Eminem’s #rap #single its #iconic #sound.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Entertainment #Music #Representation #Culture #BlackMastodon
And now: The end boss!
"Gürth Dragönslayer" is a #BreakOut #game programmed in only one line of #BASIC for the #BBCMIcro and published in BBC ACORN USER, Nov. 1991, p. 168. After I managed to decrypt the crappy scan (with the help of the FB Acorn Group) I can run it in an emulator. Now it's up to understand the code!
First I have to find out which BBC-BASIC dialect provides a WAIT command. (Does anyone know?)
I decided to add another #BASIC #BreakOut clone to my close-reading analysis. This time for the #TI99. The #game named "Texas Breakout" from Des Farrell was published in "Personal Computer World" 10/1983.
The listing is a typewriter script; the editors say that they could not test it since they had noch TI99. So, the code contains some typical typwriter typos, questinable characters and a hard-to-distinguish "O" and "0".
For implementation and testing I used http://rtro.de/ti99-emu
I found a very subtile #error in Hartnell's #BASIC #Breakout version "Smashout"/"Pared" for the #ZXSpectrum:
The graphics for the brick wall are generated from a re-defined charakter ("A"). The defintion is stored as binary data in line 210.
There seems to be the first (leftmost) bit missing, so the Spectrum interpretes it as a "0" which leads to a set pixel in the character.
I edited the DATA BIN entry from 11100111 to 111100111 and the wall looks way better.
Escape-Rätsel Pyramide: Tod oder Ausweg, wer schafft es?
Meisterbauerin AnBoe65 hat ein neues stimmungsvolles Escape-Rätsel in die Welt gesetzt. Die Pyramide ist voller Geheimnisse und Informationen. Wenn man nur wüsste, welche man später braucht und hinter welch
#Corona ##minetest #Ägypten #breakout #breakoutedu #EscapeGame #Hieroglyphen #Pyramiden
Hier den ganzen Artikel lesen:
Neue Escape Rooms auf dem Server
Escape Rooms, auch Breakouts genannt, boomen gerade auf unserem Server und sorgen für neuen Spielspaß. Wertvolle Belohnungen locken, Ruhm sowieso. Probiert es aus und meldet euch bei den Erbauern, wenn ihr es geschafft hat.
Osterhöhle (von AnBoe65)
Wie kommt man dorthin? POI Escap
#Corona ##minetest #breakout #breakoutedu #Osterei #Ostern
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