Çatal Höyük: The First Mega-City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbvtofx-ypY #archeology
Çatal Höyük: The First Mega-City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbvtofx-ypY #archeology
2,400-year-old puppets discovered atop pyramid in El Salvador
In San Isidro, El Salvador, archaeologists have unearthed a stunning set of 2,400-year-old ceramic puppets atop a pyramidal structure. These findings shed new light on ancient public rituals and cultural exchanges in Central America...
More information: https://archaeologymag.com/2025/03/puppets-atop-pyramid-in-el-salvador/
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$1 million prize offered to decipher 5,300-year-old Indus Valley script
The government of Tamil Nadu has offered a $1-million reward for anyone who can decode the cryptic script of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), one of the world’s oldest urban cultures...
More information: https://archaeologymag.com/2025/01/prize-offered-to-decipher-indus-valley-script/
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6th Century Chinese Terracotta Jar, Liang Dynasty (502–557)-Chen Dynasty (557–589)
This has got to be the most amazing thing I’ve read this week, Evidence is mounting that large sandstone caves in Amazonian South America, large enough to comfortably walk through and the longest with 1,500 metres of tunnels, were carved out by giant ground sloths. Yes, ground sloths!
“The South American palaeoburrows might be the largest ichnofossils known so far.”
In light of the robbery of the Drents Museum in Assen I'm going to post my pictures of the beautiful Dacian pieces now possibly gone forever (I'll keep hoping...). This might be one of the stolen bracelets.
In light of the robbery of the Drents Museum in Assen I'm going to post my pictures of the beautiful Dacian pieces now possibly gone forever (I'll keep hoping...)
11000 year old kitchen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng_VBy3QC8U #archeology
Remarkably preserved shrines recovered at Assyrian temple of Ninurta in Nimrud, Iraq
Pre-Hispanic dock and navigable canal discovered beneath Chapultepec Avenue in Mexico City
Archaeologists from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have uncovered the remnants of a pre-Hispanic dock and canal beneath the busy Chapultepec Avenue in Mexico City. The discovery lies near Chapulín Hill, where a natural river once flowed into the now-drained Lake Texcoco...
More information: https://archaeologymag.com/2024/11/pre-hispanic-dock-and-navigable-canal-in-mexico-city/
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Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 BC-AD 1000 by Barry Cunliffe, 2018
A sensational, interdisciplinary work which entirely reorients our understanding of Europe from 10,000 BC to the time of the Vikings.
Clearly the intent was to mess with people who will dig these bones up a few thousand years later. And it worked.
Neanderthal remains discovered in Arbreda cave, Spain
Researchers have unearthed significant Neanderthal dental remains at Arbreda Cave, part of the Reclau Caves complex in the Prehistoric Caves Park of Serinyà, Girona, northeastern Spain. The study, published in the American Journal of Biological Anthropology...
More information: https://archaeologymag.com/2024/11/neanderthal-remains-discovered-in-arbreda-cave-spain/
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Evidence of oldest known alphabetic unearthed in Syrian dig. The writing, which is dated to around 2400 BCE, precedes other known alphabetic scripts by roughly 500 years, upending what archaeologists know about where alphabets came from, how they are shared across societies, and what that could mean for early urban civilizations… #Writing #Language #Script #Archeology #Anthropology #CulturalGeography
Archaeologists May Have Just Found the Oldest Alphabet Ever
By Margherita Bassi via @gizmodo
The World’s Earliest Writing System May Have Been Influenced by Older Symbols Found on Stone ‘Cylinder Seals’
By Sarah Kuta
1,700-Year-Old Roman Statue Accidentally Unearthed in Near-Perfect Condition
By Madeleine Muzdakis via @mymodernmet
Archimedes Rediscovered: Technology and Ancient History
Advanced imaging technologies help scholars reveal and share lost texts from the ancient world.
In 1907, Johan Ludvig Heiberg discovered something unexpected in a Byzantine prayer book. Beneath the prayers, in faded lettering, he recognized the words of Archimedes.
By: Danny Robb via @JSTOR_Daily
Everyone's heard about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of the city of Pompeii. But there's also the story of the survivors and what happened to them, come check it out!