I'm really bad about posting updates about King Fish, but today's page feels like a big one. A good time to jump in if you're interested

I'm really bad about posting updates about King Fish, but today's page feels like a big one. A good time to jump in if you're interested
I'm always bad about posting reminders, but my #webcomic, King Fish of the Charles updated today! (and updates on Thurs in general)
Come take a look!
Hello everyone, everywhere, all at once!
I'll be writing Zines (Master Zines
) and Web Comics ((Master Comics
) from now on.
My Zines will be focused on nerdy computer stuff, from bits to Quamputers (Quantum Computers :P), history to mystery of machines, programming security and many more.
My Web Comics will be based on quirky frailties of day to day life, society, computers, work, dark humor, and sometimes all combined.
I like to draw zines by hand and digitize them later..
A great art has the power to ignite the dormant embers of our souls, painting vibrant hues of inspiration and touching the chords of our hearts with brushstrokes of eternal beauty.
And this is just the beginning. Within the first step lies the radiant spark of endless possibilities, lighting the path towards dreams yet unseen, and unlocking the door to a universe of untapped potential.
If you haven't checked already, here are my three samples (they are a bit clunky for now, but they'll be better) of the 'Basic C Concepts' series zines.
#zines #webcomic #web #webdev #c #nerdy #computer #machines, #programming #security #privacy #webcomic #webcomics #webcomictalk #webcomicchat #webcomicupdates #c #clang #cprogramming #programming #programmer #CProgamming #Cprogrammers #zines #zine #cprogramminglanguage #cprogrammerjokes #zines #zinelife
The most exciting thing about webcomics/personal comics, is the confidence to try something new, or risky without fear. Through my own comic (ongoing) I've developed SO much as a creator.
I just need the time back to keep going!!
Chapters 1-3 Available on http://LadiesoftheKnightComic.com