BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Clifton & I Are Making a Film – A Red Road to the West Bank 
Clifton Ariwakehte Nicholas and I have been friends for a long time. We’ve worked on films together before, but this is the first time that we’re truly co-directing a project—both of us taking the wheel. And it all started with a conversation about a much bigger film we want to make.
For a while now, Clifton and I have been talking about a documentary with the working title You Live on Stolen Land, exploring our shared experiences with colonialism—as a Kanien’kehá:ka from Kanehsatà:ke and as a Boricua from occupied Borikén. But in one of those conversations, Clifton casually dropped that he had all this footage from his trip to the West Bank in 2016. I was like, dude, what the fuck are we doing? We HAVE to do something with that footage.
So we started digging in, watching the tapes, talking through ideas, and what emerged was a powerful story—one that draws connections between the struggles of Indigenous peoples in Turtle Island and the Palestinian experience under the colonial state of Israel. Obviously, the histories and conditions are different—the colonization of the Americas started centuries ago and is in a different phase—but the core reality remains: colonization is ongoing.
That’s the main point we’re trying to make with this film.
And we don’t want to just make a film—we want to build relationships. We want to bring people from Palestine to visit Turtle Island, we want to do more interviews, we want to expand this story. But to do that, we need resources.
One of the biggest lessons I learned from working on Yintah was that if you want a film to reach a lot of people, you need to invest in the early stages. The development materials, the research, the pitch decks, the editing—all of it matters when knocking on doors to secure funding for a truly high-quality film. With Yintah, that process helped us get wide distribution, and I know we can do the same here.
So today, Clifton and I are launching our fundraising campaign to kickstart this project. This is just the first step, but it’s a crucial one.
Support the film & help us tell this story:
If this resonates with you, please donate, share, and help us get the word out. Let’s make this happen.