@arstechnica LOL! Monopolisation means harming customers to maximise profit, #google #alphabet. Stop wining ...
@arstechnica LOL! Monopolisation means harming customers to maximise profit, #google #alphabet. Stop wining ...
Networked computing as a human right
Our lives are #digital now, and our avatars online are integral parts of our humanity. We recognise our current powerlessness to act against the all-encompassing power of digital oligopolies of #Meta, #Amazon, #X, #Alphabet, #Oracle and their likelihoods. We demand a restructuring of this power imbalance now, for soon it will be too late to change course.
@monokrom This is from Font 005, FontShop SF 2006. “Written, designed and illustrated by Marian Bantjes (c) 2006. Originally published on the Weblog Speak Up in August 2005. This article has been reformatted for paper.”
‘Yr Wyddor Gymraeg’ (the Welsh alphabet), a 17.5 x 25.5 cm linocut on 145 gsm Zerkall paper. Unlike the English alphabet, yr wyddor Gymraeg has no letter K, Q, V, X, or Z, and in contrast again yn Gymraeg the following are all individual letters: Ch, Dd, Ff, Ng, Ll, Ph, Rh, and Th. Ff is pronounced like the English F, and Welsh F like the English V.
Bob Dewhurst of Sign Language, hand-painted example of signpainters’ “drop casual”. Handwritten on back: “‘Drop Casual’ because of how you end the horizontals by twisting the brush off downwards… all the guys at New Bohemia Signs (@nbsigns) basically use this same one.” #SignPainting #Lettering #Alphabet
C'est marrant, en regardant les nouvelles apps dans #Fdroid, je découvre régulièrement des trucs.
Par exemple, Pocket ReadLex est une app de lexique anglo-shavian. C'est quoi le #shavien ? Un #alphabet #phonétique anglais, financé selon son souhait après sa mort par George Bernard Shaw (d'où le nom) pour permettre une écriture sans digramme, lettre muette et autres complications.
Big Tech is digital colonialism, siphoning creativity and exploiting consumers for profit while deepening inequality. These corporations treat individuals as mere resources in their relentless pursuit of profit.
When will you rise up against their exploitation? Just look at the damage they cause!
You do see the irony of posting a video about the importance of digital sovereignty...
...only to YouTube.
You see that, right?
Nvidia, Palantir und Microstrategy waren die Tech-Aktien 2024
Die Magnificent Seven haben geliefert. Im Börsenjahr 2024 stellten Apple, Nvidia, Meta & Co. Rekorde am Fließband auf. In der zweiten Reihe war noch mehr drin.
YouTube “Enhances” Comment Section With AI-Generated Nonsense
YouTube’s rollout of AI tools shows nonsensical AI-generated audience engagement and AI slop thumbnails.
Archaeologists May Have Just Found the Oldest Alphabet Ever
By Margherita Bassi via @gizmodo
I am glad to be able to join @article19's #DMA Enforcement Symposium today; plenty of #competition experts here for me to discuss the impact of the #DOJ's recommendation to break up #Google
@mcc I've thoroughly read your thread
It's mind-blowing what you've had to go through
Many others must have suffered through similar experience in silence
Man, Google really has some Audacity
They changed the default hold power function to be a shortcut to Assistant, and this seems to be recommended on not just their Pixels, but other OEMs phones
I have to help non-tech people learn how to turn off their phone??? After they hijacked the default behavior from decades of hardware technology UX to juice their nonfunctional over engineered NLP voice timer?????
Cyrus Highsmith, orange and blue alphabet posters, 2014.
#LetterformArchive #CyrusHighsmith #Alphabet #Lettering
YouTube: Would you agree that ads on YouTube are relevant to you?
Me: Given that I’m not a white supremacist nor am I anti LGBTQ and am not fond of having hate speech played to me in the form of “ads,” no I wouldn’t agree that they are relevant to me.
(P.S. I have repeatedly reported the ads for hate speech. YouTube doesn’t care. They like the yummy ad revenue that comes from hate groups harassing minorities through their ad system.)
Bird alphabet—X, Y, Z.
Gabriele De Sanctis, from "Esemplare di alfabeti diversi fregiati di fiori, di animali e di altri ornati," Naples: [183?] #illustration #alphabet #lettering https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/birds-x-y-z/