wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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wakest ⁂

@youronlyone thanks for posting about it! contributions very appreciated! codeberg.org/FediverseIconogra if you find any icons of fediverse projects that need to be added feel free to open issues or tag me!

Codeberg.orgpagesicons of the fediverse – for the fediverse
@liaizon @youronlyone would you mind adding the fediverse icon? I mean the pentagram, but both are fine. Please.


@kariboka @youronlyone the only reason I hadnt added that yet was cause I was trying to make this into a directory of icons for specific software, and the fediverse is a concept. theres not a repo or project page to link to to say "this is the fediverse" in the same way as all the other things that I have added icons for. I do want to have a part of this project have other categories cause I wanted to start documenting things like what icons are used for Boost and Like etc. so yes but not yet!

@liaizon Yep! I will. Thank you for collecting them!I together! We need it.

(P.s. I suddenly recalled there was an idea about creating mascots. And reminded me of my private list of emojis for each software, LOL.)