wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Server stats:

active users

Gibt es ein #Serversterben im #Fediverse?

Ich folge verschiedenen Fedi-Statistikbots. Einer von ihnen berichtet fast immer, dass mehr Instanzen sterben als hinzukommen, z.B.: fediverse.one/display/fdc30534

Ist das ein Messfehler, weil niemand – auch nicht fediverse.observer – alle Instanzen kennt?

Andere Messungen berichten steigende Accountzahlen, aber das ist etwas anderes.

/cc @fediverseobserver

Update: Es gibt Hinweise auf Messfehler social.wake.st/@liaizon/112411

fediverse.onefediverseobserverFound 1 new servers and 11 servers died off since 3 hours ago. 22,587 servers checked. 14,009,654 Total Users with 1,556,478 Active Users today. Check out t...
wakest ⁂

@christian @fediverseobserver I am pretty sure this is mostly due to the statistic bots pinging servers when they are temporarily down. If you ping all 20k servers there are bound to be 10 or 20 that are in the procsess of upgrading or something is up at any one time, and then they report that as dead. I have tried to look up these dead servers a number of times and seen that they were actually alive by the time I checked...


This reminds me that I once saw a low uptime percentage for one of my servers on instances.social although my server had an excellent uptime in reality.

Bulk measuring availability seems to be hard. I did open a trouble ticket there, and others did the same, e.g. github.com/TheKinrar/instances github.com/TheKinrar/instances

Discovery of new instances was broken for a while: github.com/TheKinrar/instances

Maybe @fediverseobserver has similar problems.

instances.socialMastodon instances