wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Working on a page for my SVG icons. Anyone want to help make this page better? My CSS and HTML abilities are lacking...

The page is live at fediverse.wake.st

I have a @Codeberg repo here up here codeberg.org/FediverseX/pages

wakest ⁂

Wow so fediverse.wake.st has come along way today from how it started. Thanks to @daj for contributing a totally different design and implementing it. This is actually the first time I have ever gotten a pull request before. I have submitted a few for little things but never received one!

@liaizon @daj just seeing this now :rek_orca_bit: I like these svg

@vortok thanks! Feel free to use em!