wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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active users

wakest ⁂

The Verge is here:
Adi Robertson: @thedextriarchy
T.C. Sottek: @wizard@mastodon.xyz
Barbara Krasnoff: @barbk
Richard Lawler: @rjcc
Dan Seifert: @dcseifert
Monica Chin: @monicawchin
Antonio G. Di Benedetto: @SuperAntonio64
Jon Porter: @jonporty
Jay Peters: @jaypeters
Elizabeth Lopatto: @lopatto
Jess Weatherbed: @ZombieWretch
Alex Heath: @alexeheath
Sean Hollister: @seanhollister
Chris Grant: @chrisgrant
Joshua Topolsky (The Verge founder / ex-staff): @joshuatopolsky


The VergeWhere to find Verge staff on MastodonBy Adi Robertson

@liaizon Looks like the link to Alex Heath’s profile is broken, missing a tld?