doing AV tech in the Sheraton Hotel for a hematology conference today. I and had to wake up at 5:15 am, drive in 90% fog to a weird parking spot that all the parking meters have been stolen from, and then bike the final mile, get my photo taken by security and then given a pink wrist band to start an unknown job
was just charged 4.41$ for a cup of hotel coffee fml
absolutely major props to the AV tech who pulled out a breast pump and started filling milk bottles from their breasts (I assume for a baby) while plugging XLR cables into the main console
let me go to sleep ugh why are they keeping me here to not do anything useful, also paying me overtime, just free me!
@liaizon single digit prices should be ignored
@sneak ignored by?
@liaizon you. any price that is <=$9.99 should not be noticed or commented on or any time/energy wasted on. just fire and forget.
@sneak I live on very very little money. your advice here is completely nonsense for a large amount of people who are poor.
@liaizon my advice to people is always "don't be poor"
@sneak that is incredibly shitty advice
@liaizon being poor is highly correlated with bad outcomes for physical and mental health, and the same for one's children. if you have the option to not be poor, you should not be poor. being poor is bad for one. objectively, it is good advice.
@liaizon My first son was born in England. His mother and I found it super weird that she was asked to “cover up” when breast-feeding the baby. In other words, she was supposed to cover the baby with a little blanket when breast-feeding in public.
In other respects, the Englishers we encountered seemed pretty child-friendly.
Later I learned that in some regions of Germany, breast-feeding women are expected to cover up, too. I never go there lest they still burn witches and wizards.
@chpietsch I was surprised to see it here at first cause it's something I think is pretty rare to see but damn I hope this sort of activity is way way more normalized cause its literally necessary for our survival
@liaizon may be with this song? :-)
@liaizon so.. okay.. think Amy would have stolen a smile from you ;-) may be this will help you.. listen to it, close your eyes..
sweet dreams ;-)
@Lady_Amalthea thanks lol
@liaizon come on, give her a chance ;-)
@Lady_Amalthea Jewel was one of the first CDs I ever owned