wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Server stats:

active users

wakest ⁂

Flickr CEO Don MacAskill (@d0n) is currently running a poll to decide whether to add to :flickr: Flickr to join the (Mastodon, Pixelfed, Peertube, etc.)
Make your voice heard:
Poll on Twitter too:

Remember this has good and bad repercussions whether you use Flickr or not, it would be the first time an old giant joins us but also would bring many many new issues we would have to face together. Please boost for reach!

SFBA.socialDon MacAskill (@d0n@sfba.social)Would you like to see #ActivityPub on #Flickr? #fediverse (x-post from https://twitter.com/DonMacAskill/status/1597256480519966720) [ ] Yes & already pay. [ ] Yes & would start paying. [ ] Yes, but only for free. [ ] No, work on other stuff.