wake.st is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
the personal instance of Liaizon Wakest

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Testing uploads again with a lovely https://radical.town/@roadkillcobra drawing...

@wakest @grishka how do you mention a remote user? I thought you were saying you have to use the full url so far?

@liaizon @wakest the full @username@domain, you have to type that out manually because there isn't this list thingy (yet).

@grishka @wakest I tried that first and the posting button seemed unresponsive until I deleted it.

@liaizon @wakest wait. I don't understand how this works. It says the user doesn't exist, but I'm clearly able to communicate with you here.

This could use some better error handling too.

@grishka @wakest

the issue you are having has to do with the fact that on mastodon you can have multiple active handles. So my instance is installed at social.wake.st but I have my handle set to drop the subdomain. this is an official feature of mastodon that many instances use so you can't think of it just as an edge case.

@liaizon @wakest but how does one resolve such a username then?